The kit in use inside an eoGEAR Top Tube bag.
The optional Marsupial Pouch
The Basic Kit (the ZipLocs are now clear w/o a blue header)
The Basic Kit (the ZipLocs are now clear w/o a blue header)
The Basic Kit (the ZipLocs are now clear w/o a blue header)

eoGEAR Personal Care Kit


  • In an effort to provide compact, lightweight, yet functional gear, we have assembled this kit for cycling, backpacking, skimo, ultrarunning or other endurance sports.
  • It is sized to fit in a running belt, bicycle bag or compartment of a backpack.
The Basic Kit Includes:
  • Two 20 mL (3/4-oz.) vials (LA Container # 151075)
  • One 30 mL (1-oz.) vial (LA Container # 151500)
  • One 30 mL (1-oz.) Round Nalgene bottle (leakproof)
  • Four adhesive labels for applying to the containers
  • Two 5x7 zippered bags (heavy-duty 4-mil ZipLoc™-type bags)

The Deluxe Kit Includes the above items except we substitute one Equinox Marsupial Pouch for the zipper bags. The Marsupial is an ultra-lightweight nylon zippered pouch, measuring 15 x 17.75cm (6 x7").

    Richard’s Recommendation

    I use the small vials for Ibuprofen or elete electrolyte tablets, the large vial for a small amount of chamois lube (on longer rides where I may need to reapply during the day). The large vial is also useful for electrolyte capsules. Both sizes are smaller than your typical prescription drug bottle. The Nalgene bottle is used for medicated powder (for hot foot or chafing on ultra-runs) or perhaps sunscreen (thick creams are difficult to get out of this bottle however). 

      eoGEAR SKU # 6060-BAS or 6060-DLX