Kinesis Pro Community & Workshop References

This is a compilation of professional photographers that use our products. Most of them are regularly conducting workshops, are widely published, or influencers in the industry through social media or other means. As a small independent manufacturer, we do not have a formal sponsorship or ambassador program, but sometimes we provide pros with a discount on our products instead. A listing here does not imply an endorsement by them, but is provided for your information only.

Awake the Light Photo Tours & Workshops
Norfolk, VA
Mollie Isaacs is the principle. She offers workshops, trips and online webinars. She does workshops many in New Mexico and other locations in the US & Europe.

Bruce Dorn
Prescott, AZ
Content creator for Canon, ARRI, SanDisk, Western Digital, FJ Westcott, Tiffen, Corel, Continental, Light & Motion, and Outdoor Photographer Magazine. He does a lot of documentary cine or video work.

Cindy Goeddel
Big Timber, MT
Cindy is professional photographer, naturalist, hiker, guide and student of ecology with a fascination for the wonders that abound in Yellowstone National Park. She hosts workshops in Yellowstone, Alaska and Africa. (workshops & tours)

“I’m captivated by the natural world. Amazed and inspired by its intricacies and interactions. So I photograph it that way. It’s about having the patience and faith to wait, watch and be ready when the decisive moment arrives to capture that engaging, intimate photograph as it happened in the wild.” (Cindy’s gallery)

Bryan Hansel
Grand Marais, MN
He is a professional landscape photographer and outdoor educator conducting workshops.

Greg Harvey
Edmonton, AB, Canada
He is a personal trainer and wildlife photographer and does workshops to Africa.

Charles Krupa
Boston, MA
Charles is a Pulitzer-prize winning photojournalist and staff shooter for the Associated Press (AP). He was an early adopter of the Kinesis modular belt system (back in 1998!).

Howard “Rick” Libbey
Andover, HH
Aka, “The Moose Man.” He is wildlife photographer selling prints online and at shows. He has an incredible Facebook following.

Hugh Rose
Fairbanks, AK
Hugh is a naturalist, photographer and geologist by training with over 20 years of experience guiding natural history and photo tours in Alaska and around the world. His passions are the vast landscapes and wildlife of Alaska and the polar regions of the world.

Len Rue, Jr.
Blairstown, NJ
Len is a wildlife photographer, workshop teacher, author and inventor of the Groowin window mount. He is the son of Len Rue, former columnist in Outdoor Photographer Magazine.

Don Smith
Avila Beach, CA
He is a phenomenal landscape photographer and conducts workshops worldwide. As a Sony Artisan of Imagery Professional and Singh-Ray Ambassador, he uses grad filters a lot and consequently has found our filter pouches most helpful in his workflow. He has also published several photo tutorial books.




 More coming soon!