Kinesis — Suggested Belt Systems

With the Kinesis system, pouches are not permanently attached to the belt, permitting them to be worn at any place on the belt. Components are purchased a la carte for maximum versatility.

Before picking a system, we strongly recommend reviewing our System Introduction page.

Shown above is the Kinesis C500 case attached to a Lowe Alpine internal frame pack using the Y303 adapter kit. Adding a H152 strap (not shown) will add stability.

Cases for Backpacking, Skiing etc.

If you are looking for a case (and not a belt system) for transporting your gear while hiking, climbing, skiing, canoeing, horseback riding, cycling etc. then read on.
Generally we recommend you attach your case to the front of your shoulder harness using the Y303 adapter. Any case with D-rings will attach using this adapter kit.

  • 35mm SLR Cameras: For the smallest SLR (single-lens reflex) cameras we recommend the M330 Twin-Lens Pouch. For slightly more capacity look at the C380 case. With a full-size body will need the larger C540 case.
  • For smaller non-SLR cameras such as Leica and Contax rangefinders, compact digitals and point and shoots, read the suggestions above on this same page. All pouches listed in this section, except the A200, have D-rings for attaching to your backpack via the Y303 adapter.

Digital SLR Suggested Systems

Before picking a system, we strongly recommend
reviewing our System Introduction page.

The $64,000 question in designing a belt system is whether or not you intend to carry your camera around your neck all the time, or whether you need a holster case on your waist to stash it. Most outdoor/nature travel shooters like having a case to put it away in the event of inclement weather. Photojournalists and wedding shooters, on the other hand, do NOT like the bulk of having an SLR attached to the waist.

The other consideration is whether or not you are using an external battery pack for your flash. Consider placing it on your waist, rather than using a shoulder strap or attached to the camera (i.e. Underdog). Putting this weight on your hips, instead of swinging around your body with the traditional shoulder strap, is much more comfortable.

Click on any photo to see it larger and see additional product information.

Systems for DSLR or mirrorless Outdoor,
Travel & Nature Photographers



C400 (now C382), A131 & a B107 standard weight belt.


I used this system on an assignment during the summer of 1998 in Wyoming. I documented (hiked along) a pioneer handcart trek for 30 miles over four days. I was testing the new C500 and found it to function most comfortably for many hours of foot travel. 

E280, C500, A200, A131, F162 & B108. This quantity of items will only fit on a Large, XL or XXL belt. 

If you are carrying on your waist several "2.8" lenses & an 8-AA power motor drive then consider the Heavy-duty belt instead of the regular weight belt.


C500, A200, E280, D004 & B307 (heavy belt).


C580, A200, E165 & B307 (heavy belt).


C580, A291, M330, F022 (goes inside A291) & B307 Heavy-duty Belt).


E530 (replaced by M550), A126, E280 & B107.


E530 (replaced by M550), C500, E280 & B107.


C580, A200, E280 & B107.

Systems for Photojournalists

PJs almost always have a camera around the neck.
Because of this they rarely use holster cases
they are very bulky, esp. when worn in crowds).
Today, many weddings are being shot in photojournalistic style, so be sure to check out the so-called "wedding" systems too.

M330, V025, E280, D004 & B107. This is one of oft used outfits. Lean and mean!


E530 (replaced by M550), D004, F162, E280 & B107.


This system was used on a three-day shoot documenting the cleanup of the 1999 Oklahoma City tornado. Although I was on foot while shooting, my car was only a short distance away. I opted to NOT carry a C Series Case because I always had my SLR around my neck.

E280, E512 (replaced by the M550), A291, F500 & B108.

E280 vs. E340 Lens Pouch Note: The overall height of the E340 is taller than the E280, it is designed so that more of the pouch is above the belt line, therefore not hanging up on your legs below. (I'm also 6'-4'--shorter people may not find this a workable pouch however!)


Systems for Portrait,
Wedding & Event Photographers

Wedding shooters almost always have a camera
around the neck and rarely need a holster case.
(Holster cases are very bulky & can be
cumbersome when worn in crowds).

• Today, many weddings are being shot in photojournalistic style, so check out the so-called "photojournalist " systems too.


A200 & F162 & B108.


M330, V025, D004, E280 & B107.


E280, M330, D004, F162 & B107.


M330, D004, F162 & B107.


E530 (replaced by M550), F162 & B107.