H250 + H160 in suspender mode (H344 is similar but less padded) attached to a B107 waist belt. Note how the system uses a 3-point attachment system. Also attached, in the center making a large “O”, is the H152 strap, for stabilizing your camera.
We’ve changed our logo! Old label on the left—new one on the right. Some current inventory may have old label.
H160 Harness/Suspender, Back
H160 Harness/Suspender, Back
H160 Harness/Suspender, Back

H160 — Harness/Suspender, Back

Converts a "front" harness (H255) into a pair of suspenders.

Woven elastic & nylon w/ slot for H152 strap
Not required with H344 as it is already included.

Designed and Crafted in USA

made in usa